1: Blanco Sink - 3 stars
2: Rinnai Gas Heater - Not Rated
3: Fujioh hood FX-900 - 5 stars
4: Rinnai Tumble Dryer RDT-600CG - 5 stars
5: Rinnai Oven RBO-7MSO - 3 stars
6: Bellari Liquid Dispenser - 1 star
7: Rinnai 2-Burner Hob RB-2CG - 5 stars
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1 Review: Blanco sink
2 Blanco Silgranit
A word about the Review
Our Review is different from other reviews that you read on the Net: we're not armchair reviewers. We bought and installed the product for our own use. No one sponsored us to endorse the product. And we only gave our verdict after at least one year's usage. Obviously, we'd tell you sooner if a product didn't work or performed poorly soon after purchase.
We invite you - if you have bought, installed and used the product to tell us your user experience, particularly after using the product for at least a year.
Blanco Sink
We bought the Blanco sink from Hoe Kee

We installed the sink in our kitchen in 2008.

The completed sink sits beneath the dish drainer cabinet

What an elegant-looking sink!

Ready for plumbing..

Finally - the sink is ready for use!
In the first few months, we loved everything about the sink: its design, its shape, ts color, its obvious construction quality. After all, it's made of Silgranite, a type of granite material! We smiled with contentment as we quietly admired the completed sink unit.
Now, three years later - after using the sink daily, we decided to give our Blanco sink 3 stars: maintaining the sink, keeping it clean and tidy daily, was simply too tiresome!
Verdict: 3 out of 5 stars
Two issues about the Blanco sink stood out:
One - A "cloudy" haze along the 4 sink sides made its appearance every few days after we cleaned the sink. Flushing water on the sides didin't make the "haze"
Two - Worse, after washing soiled plates and crockery, the debris remained spread all over the sink bottom. Flushing and sprinkling the water to "coax" the debris to the sink outlet took some minutes. Time that was better spent doing other chores, we thought to ourselves.
We think you'll come to the same conclusion and verdict as us after you've had used the sink for some time.
One final advice
If you plan to replace your sink at some time in future, you should not under-mount it as we did. In our case, if we replace the sink we'd have to call in the worktop guy to 1) unseat the worktop, 2) dismount the sink, 3) put in the new sink, then 4) seal the worktop again. Had we mounted the sink atop the counter top, we could replace the sink ourselves as the plumbing part is easy. Actually.. heck - we still love under-mounting our sink! In spite of the hassle when we replace it in future.
Maybe it's time to search for another sink? We'll look for sinks with a sloping bottom, preferably a stainless steel or porcelain one. A sink with water that flows automatically to the sink outlet as plates are being washed. Like my mom's kitchen sink: waste debris always flowed to the sink outlet so ubiquitously we thought that's the way all sinks behaved!! Until the Blanco Sink opened our eyes. Now we know better.
Hit the Shout Box if you've got one to recommend!
Related Posts
1 Review: Blanco sink
2 Blanco Silgranit
Review Series
1: Blanco Sink - 3 stars
2: Rinnai Gas Heater - Not Rated
3: Fujioh hood FX-900 - 5 stars
4: Rinnai Tumble Dryer RDT-600CG - 5 stars
5: Rinnai Oven RBO-7MSO - 3 stars
6: Bellari Liquid Dispenser - 1 star
7: Rinnai 2-Burner Hob RB-2CG - 5 stars
8: TOTO Omni Toilet Bowl- 5 stars
9: Asuka Acrylic Worktop - 2 stars
10: Premier laminated floor tiles
Hey, I dont know if you are still actively updating your blog.
But if you read this, I'm interested to know about the Blanco sink. Could it be that the cloudy stains appear because you used metal scourers or abbrassive cleaning agents (i.e. CIF) when cleaning your sink EVERYTIME? Because this sink is made of composite material, it might be more prone to such items that eat into the surface. If that might be the source of the problem, then I would still get this sink and make sure to clean it gently with soap.
Yes, I do but am busy with shunphoto.blogspot.com, one of several blogs I'm busy with. Stains are a problem for this sink, note other users in US have reported it too. You're right, powders such as Cip stick to the composite material. I use a hard bristle brush to clean the sink once a week and that takes care of the problem for a week. If the 2 issues don't worry you, then this sink is -in my view - good value for money. But, as stated, I won't buy it again. Too much work for me in maintaining its clean look! * grin *
Well, would you be able to point me to more reviews on this sink? I too want to ensure that the sink maintains it's 'good' looks.
But if it stains as you mentioned, then I have to think twice.
However, I got a response from a poster in renotalk.com, who said that there are no 'stain' problems even after 5 years of use (but he's using another color other than black)
Hey, I believe the article below may throw some light on your question:
You could also find more info from kitchen ads displayed by Google on the blog - usually these ads are more focused and directed than a general search on the Net.
Well, you seem keen to get the Blanco sink. Some ppl don't mind the issues pointed out on this post as they felt it's just part of the daily washing-up routine.
If you need further info pl let me know.
All the best
Hi, have u came across kraus stainless steel sink?
Sorry, no.
Good luck.
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